Demographic Well-Being: Theoretical Approaches to Definition and Assessment Methodology

Research Article
The reported study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) according to the research project No. 19-29-07352.
How to Cite
Ryazantsev S.V., Miryazov T.R. Demographic Well-Being: Theoretical Approaches to Definition and Assessment Methodology. DEMIS. Demographic Research. 2021. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 5-19. DOI:


The article introduces the concept of “demographic well-being”. At the micro level, demographic well-being should be understood as the possibility of realizing matrimonial, reproductive, migration attitudes, which leads to life satisfaction and the achievement of the desired physical, mental, socio-economic state of the individual and the family. Demographic well-being at the level of a country or its region, at the macro level, can be interpreted as a balanced ratio of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the demographic development of a country (region) for at least five years. The article also examines the features of the demographic development of the Russian Federation during the second wave of depopulation. A methodology for assessing demographic well-being based on several criteria is proposed. First, demographic well-being should be characterized by positive (upward) demographic dynamics that have a stable (long-term) character. Secondly, regions in which there is a population growth due to two components – natural and migratory population growth – can be considered demographically prosperous. Regions in which there is a migration or natural decline in population, but there is a general increase, cannot be considered demographically prosperous. Thirdly, the ratio of indicators and the dynamics of fertility and mortality rates can be considered an important point. First of all, this is their direct ratio, where the birth rate should exceed the death rate. At the same time, the birth rate should be close to the population replacement level, and the structure of mortality should have no extreme “surges” in the form of excess mortality in the working age and younger age groups. Fourth, an important point is the qualitative indicators of demographic well-being, including a balanced sex and age structure of the population, the optimal proportion of young people and pensioners, and the availability of labor resources necessary for socio-economic development. The typology of the regions of the Russian Federation according to the indicators of demographic well-being is presented. The authors also propose measures of demographic policy to achieve demographic well-being in the Russian Federation, including federal and regional measures.
demographic well-being, demographic security, demographic processes, population reproduction, demographic indicators, fertility, mortality, migration

Author Biographies

Sergey V. Ryazantsev, Institute for Demographic Research FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
RAS Corresponding Member, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director
Timur R. Miryazov, Institute for Demographic Research FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Junior Researcher


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Received: 30.08.2021

Accepted: 06.12.2021

Citation Formats
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Ryazantsev, S. V., & Miryazov, T. R. (2021). Demographic Well-Being: Theoretical Approaches to Definition and Assessment Methodology. DEMIS. Demographic Research, 1(4), 5-19.
Theory of Demography and Migrationology