Демографическая компонента национальной безопасности
Научная статья
2. Sidorenko, A. Demographic Transition and “Demographic Security” in Post-Soviet Countries // Population and Economics. 2019. № 3, Vol. 3. P. 1–22. DOI 10.3897/popecon.3.e47236. EDN COQSBS.
3. Azfar Anwar, М. Mapping the knowledge of national security in 21st century a bibliometric study / M. Azfar Anwar, Zhou Rongting, Wang Dong, F. Asmi // Cogent Social Sciences. 2018. № 4, Vol. 1. DOI 10.1080/23311886.2018.1542944.
4. Крохичева, Г. Е. Роль демографической безопасности в системе экономической безопасности государства и ее индикаторы // Kant. 2018. № 1 (26). С. 187–192. EDN YTKPRQ.
5. Malnar, D. Demographic Security Trends in Southeastern Europe / D. Malnar, A. Malnar // Croatian International Relations Review. 2015. № 21, Vol. 73. P. 57–87. DOI 10.1515/cirr-2015-0011.
6. Leuprecht, Ch. The Demographic Security Dilemma // Yale Journal of International Affairs. 2010. № 2, Vol. 5.
7. Toft, M. D. Demography and National Security: The Politics of Population Shifts in Contemporary Israel // International Area Studies Review. 2012. № 1, Vol. 15. P. 21–42. DOI 10.1177/2233865912438161.
8. Obreja K. S. The Implications of the Demographic Decrease on National Security / K. S. Obreja, I. G. Metea // Land Forces Academy Review. 2018. № 23, Vol. 1. P. 41–47. DOI 10.2478/raft-2018-0005.
9. The CIA World Factbook 2020–2021 / Central Intelligence Agency. New York : Simon and Schuster, 2020. 1120 p. ISBN 9781510758261.
10. Greenberg, K. J. Reimagining the National Security State: Liberalism on the Brink. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019. DOI 10.1017/9781108676946. ISBN 978-1108589734.

Поступила: 21.12.2022
Опубликована: 30.03.2023