Трудовая миграция между Мьянмой и Таиландом: подходы к легализации и интеграции мигрантов
Научная статья
2. Arphattananon, T. Education of Migrant Children from Myanmar in Thai Government Schools // Manusya: Journal of Humanities. 2022. № 24 (3). P. 409–425. DOI 10.1163/26659077-24030008.
3. Flow Monitoring Surveys: Insights into the Profiles and Vulnerabilities of Myanmar Migrants to Thailand (Round Three). Bangkok : International Organization for Migration. 2019. 50 p.
4. Chantavanich S. Myanmar Migrants to Thailand: Economic Analysis and Implications to Myanmar Development / S. Chantavanich, P. Vungsiriphisal. Bangkok : Bangkok Research Center, IDE-JETRO. 2012. 69 p.
5. Gruss, I. The Emergence of the Temporary Migrant: Bureaucracies, Legality and Myanmar Migrants in Thailand // Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia. 2017. № 32 (1). P. 1–35.
6. Thailand Social’s Outlook of Q2/2022. Bangkok : Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council. 2022. 10 p.

Поступила: 28.02.2023
Опубликована: 30.06.2023