Тренды образовательной миграции молодежи из Мьянмы за рубеж
Научная статья
2. Ndegwa, D. Migrants from Myanmar and Risks Faced Abroad: A Desk Study. Geneva : International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2016. 60 p.
3. Kuroda, K. Internationalization of Higher Education and Student Mobility in Japan and Asia : Background paper prepared for the 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report / K. Kuroda, M. Sugimura, Y. Kitamura, S. Asada. Paris : UNESCO, 2018. 57 p.
4. Hu Ke. International Students’ University Choice to Study Abroad in Higher Education and Influencing Factors Analysis / Hu Ke, Diao Junfeng, Li Xiaojing // Frontiers in Psychology. 2022. Article № 1036569. DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1036569.
5. Rose, H. Unique Challenges of Learning to Write in the Japanese Writing System // L2 Writing Beyond English / ed. N. Yiitolu, M. Reichelt. Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2019. Pp. 78–94. ISBN 978-1788923125. DOI 10.21832/9781788923132-008.
6. Lee, J. S. Challenges of International Students in a Japanese University: Ethnographic Perspectives // Journal of International Students. 2017. Vol. 7, № 1. Pp. 73–93. DOI 10.32674/jis.v7i1.246.
7. Espino, D. P. Best Practices in Developing Global Collaborations in Education : dissertation … Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership / D. P. Espino ; Pepperdine University. Los Angeles, 2018. 170 p.
8. Gomersall, S. Resilience: Myanmar Students’ Experiences of Overcoming eLearning Challenges During COVID-19 and Political Instability / S. Gomersall, A. Floyd // Asia Pacific Education Review. 2023. Vol. 24. Pp. 447–459. DOI 10.1007/s12564-022-09781-6

Поступила: 06.07.2023
Опубликована: 30.09.2023